Monday, August 23, 2010

Family Baby Shower

I guess posting this a week late isn't too bad, eh?! :) THANK YOU so much to everyone who came to my baby was SO wonderful to see so many family members and friends that I haven't seen in a while. I definitely need to do better about visiting, for sure!

Here is a link to the pictures from the shower. I know...there are alot of VERY STRANGE looks on my face in most of the pictures. What can I say, I'm expressionate! LOL. (let's blame it on the photographer! jk.) Thank you, Janet, for taking so many pictures to help us capture the shower! You are wonderful and I love you!!

Here is a photo of me with [most of] the Harvey family! They were such wonderful hostesses and I can't thank them enough for all of the work they put into the shower. I love you!

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