Friday, June 11, 2010

Week 23-update

Well, week 23 is almost over, but I thought I'd post about something the things going on lately. According to, the baby is around 11 inches long and weighs in at a little over 1 pound. I believe that he is bigger than that because when we found out that "it" was indeed a HE, he was 11 ounches...that was 4 weeks ago! Anyway, he's getting big and strong.

The highlight of the last week and a half is that I can now feel him moving a little bit. It feels like something is flicking me from the inside of my uterus....not so much the "flutter" that everyone has always told me it would feel like, but as my midwife described it....more of that of gas bubbles! :)

I am loving being pregnant....haven't been sick and have only gained around 10-11 pounds, which to me is awesome, but we'll see what happens from here on out. "They" (whoever that is) say that after 20 weeks that I'd gain a pound a week and that hasn't proved to be true, so maybe the rest of the pregnancy will go as unpredicted as the rest has and I'll stay within my 15-20 pounds range. Let's keep those prayers going! hehe.

I don't have any new pictures to post, but I'll try to get some taken for an update next week. 24 weeks tomorrow (Saturday, June 12th).

Until next time....

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you and Lucas and can’t wait to see an updated belly picture. Glad you are having a smooth and safe pregnancy so far!!!!! Love you Jessica and miss you and if I don’t make it up before I am definitely coming to GA to meet your little man after he is born!!! :)
